Article : GENFLEX


Genflex mountings employ the well proven inclined rubber element design to achieve much higher deflections compared to simple rubber in compression devices and therefore providing superior isolation of low frequency vibration. The pure rubber design offers excellent performance in the audible frequency range which cannot be achieved with helical steel springsevenwithsocalled?noisestoppads? Natural rubber also offers inherent damping to control transient motion resulting from machine start up, run down and fault conditions. For marine and mobile applications, a combined overload and rebound buffer is available in both the B range and HD (high deflection)variants. DESIGN FEATURES First grade natural rubber to metal bonded rectangular elements inclined to achieve maximum load and deflection using a combinationofcompressionandshearloading. Rubber elements effectively protected against oil contamination by the extended top skirt designofthetopcasting. Two different horizontal stiffness axes enable optimum system characteristics and vibration isolation to be achieved using careful orientationofthemountings. Marine/Mobile version available with combined overloadandreboundbuffer. A ribbed rubber seating pad is available obviating the need for costly HD bolts for many industrialapplications. Available with Iron Castings as standard and SteelCastingsforShockApplications. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS ChillersandCoolingTowers DieselGeneratingSets EngineTestBeds LiftMotorGear LargeFansandAHU?s MarinePropulsionEngines PumpsandCompressors VibratingScreensandHoppers

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